Alfa Romeo Owners' Club of NSW
Established 1974


Here is a list of events that as a member of AROCA you can participate in.

Club Meetings

Sydney Club nights are held monthly except January. Please refer to the relevant month in our calendar for details of the location.

Committee Meetings

Committee meetings are usually held on the last Thursday of the month.

Canberra Club Nights

Canberra Club nights are usually monthly on a Tuesday night from 7pm. The venue, and time in the month will change depending on what is organised, but will be posted on the calendar.

Hunter Valley Club Nights

Hunter Valley Club nights are held at 6:30 pm on the second Wednesday of each month (except December). Location will be posted on the calendar.

Visitors are most welcome at all meetings.

Driver Training

One-On-One tuition that will improve driver skills.

Club Sprints

Timed laps of motor race circuits such as Eastern Creek and Wakefield.


Events on both grass and bitumen that test and develop car control skills.

Club Displays

The annual Concorso d'Eleganza attracts over 150 Alfas of every type for members and the general public to enjoy.

Observation/Navigation Runs

Events where sharp eyes and some powers of deduction are elements to an interesting drive.

Weekends Away

A relaxed Saturday drive to a pleasant spot, a convivial dinner and an interesting rendezvous for Sunday lunch is the ideal way to cement friendships.

Breakfast Runs

A short run on great roads followed by a well-deserved breakfast.


The annual gathering of the Alfa Romeo clan from around Australia, each state taking turns to host this Easter classic.

Junior Driving Instruction

The Club has a special programme of vehicle familiarisation and driving instruction for juniors between 12 years and driving age.

Alfa Romeo Owners' Club of NSW
PO Box R23 Royal Exchange NSW 1225
Phone 0439 882 483
ACN ABN 74 337 297 312
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