Alfa Romeo Owners' Club of NSW
Established 1974

Classified ads: Wanted to buy

The Alfa Romeo Owners Club (AROCA) acts as a route for advertisers to list cars and parts for sale. AROCA is not involved in any transaction between buyers and sellers. AROCA has no responsibility for the quality or safety of the items advertised, the accuracy of the advertisements, the ability of owners to sell items or the ability of buyers to buy items. The advertisement details are based on information supplied by the advertiser and are presented in good faith. While every effort is made to be accurate, we give no undertaking that the details are correct. 

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I am looking for a Twin Spark 75. Later model if possible in reasonable condition..
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I am looking to find parts for my 2011 Alfa Romeo Brera. It is the 1.8TBi variant and I am seeking parts for the front and rear brake calipers. More specifically: The dust boot/seal and piston seal for my rear TRW one-piston brake calipers (left & right) The dust boots/seals for my slider pins for my rear TRW one-piston brake calipers (left & right) The dust boots/seals and piston seals for my front Brembo two-piston brake calipers (left & right) .
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I am currently considering purchasing 6 cylinder versions of the 916 Spider and GTV; preferably in red with all black dash and leather interior like the 1998 models. Please contact me if you have or know one of these vehicles on the market.  .
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Hi,   I am looking for a front drivers seat for my 1974 GT 1600 Junior.   I would like to rebuild a seat to suit fast road driving so the condition doesn't bother me as long as it slides and works.   I would prefer a seat with the retractable headrest that has the timber stem like what is currently in the car and is shown in the photo   Whilst I prefer an exact copy of what is in our car if the seat is from a later or earlier car is fine as long as it works with the rails etc..
Alfa Romeo Owners' Club of NSW
PO Box R23 Royal Exchange NSW 1225
Phone 0439 882 483
ACN ABN 74 337 297 312
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